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What is an Entity Code in Medical Billing?

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Entity Code in Medical Billing

Entity code medical billing are the codes used to identify the type of entity that is billing for services. The entities can be:

  1. Providers.
  2. Organizations.
  3. Suppliers.

These codes ensure accurate and efficient processing of claims. The codes are typically used in conjunction with other identifying information.  For instance:

  1. National Provider Identifier (NPI)
  2. World Health Organization (WHO)

Types of Entity Codes

Here are the most common types of entity coding used in medical billing:

  1. National Provider Identifier (NPI)
  2. Patient ID
  3. Payer ID
  4. Place of Service (POS) Code
  5. Healthcare Provider Identifier (HPID) (US-Medicaid)
  6. Taxonomy Code

Entity Code in Medical Billing Forms

Entity codes are used in various medical billing forms. These forms are also used for electric transactions. The forms include:

  1. UB-04 (Institutional Claim Forms)
  2. 837P (Electronic Professional Claims)
  3. CMS-1500 (Professional Claim Forms)
Entity Code in Medical Billing

Accurate entity codes ensure the correct process of claim and reduce the chances of errors.

Uses of Entity Code in Medical Billing

Following are the Uses of Entity Codes:

  • Identify entities involved in healthcare processes.
  • Streamline the billing process and minimize errors.
  • Entity codes in Box 33b on the CMS-1500 form.
  • Identify healthcare providers, medical facilities, insurance companies and more.

Entity Code Errors

The Entity code errors can lead to denials and administrative complications. Adhering to best practices is key to preventing entity code errors.

Entity Code Errors

Use of wrong entity codes leads to:

  • Claim Rejections
  • Denials
  • Increased Administrative Work
  • Potential for Audits
  • Patient Frustration

Importance of Accurate Medical Billing

Accurate medical billing is important for the following reasons;

  1. Faster Reimbursement: Claims are processed faster, resulting in faster payments to providers. Reduce Complaints: Errors in coding can result in the rejection of applicants, delays, and additional work.
  2. Improved patient experience: Effective billing processes reduce patient confusion and stress around billing.

Medical Billing Process

Here is a detail of this billing process.

  • National Provider Identifier (NPI): This is a 10-digit code use in the US for healthcare providers.
  • Patient ID: This is an identifier assigned by the insurance company to the patient.
  • Insurance Company ID: This is a unique code use to identify the insurance company.

Entity Codes in medical billing include:

  1. Individual Providers.
  2. Group Providers.
  3. Healthcare Facilities.
  4. Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers.
  5. Home Health Agency.
  6. Ambulance Services.
  7. Laboratory.
  8. Hospital
  9. Pharmacy.
  10. Practitioners.


Entity codes in medical billing act like identification tags. These codes ensure the accurate flow of information and payment between healthcare providers, patients, and insurance companies. Understanding the different types of entity codes, such as NPI, patient ID, and payer ID, is crucial for smooth claim processing. By using the right codes and following best practices, you can minimize claim rejections, delays, and potential frustration for everyone involved.

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